Credit scores are based on payment history contained in credit reports. Paying your bills on time will improve your credit scores while making late payments or defaulting on loans will lower your scores. The agencies that collect these reports are called credit bureaus. There are three credit bureaus:
- Equifax Phone 1.888.202.4025
- Experian Phone 1.888.397.3742
- TransUnion Phone 1.855.681.3196
These bureaus collect your information and sell it to lenders to give them a better picture of what kind of borrower you are. Each of the three credit bureaus will have a different credit history based on the information sent to it by your creditors. Prospective employers and landlords also have access to these reports.
You can request a free copy of your credit report annually from one or all three of the credit bureaus from You should order your report and review it for errors. If you find an error, notify the credit bureau, who then processes your dispute. The credit bureau should either resolve your dispute or provide you with contact information of the business submitting the erroneous information. The business must share information with you and promptly investigate the disputed information. It is extremely important that you ensure that your credit history is correct because it is the basis for determining your credit score.
Insurance Companies Many insurance companies use proprietary credit scores when determining the premium charged to customers. The insurance companies have found that there is a direct link between the credit scores and the probability of customers filing claims. Keeping your credit scores high can save you money on the amount of premiums you pay for car insurance and other types of insurance.
Tips for Improving Your Scores
- Try to pay your entire credit card balance each month but ALWAYS pay at least the minimum amount due each month.
- Keep total amount of debt as low as possible.
- Ensure you pay rent, utilities and all other bills on time.
- Check your credit report regularly for accuracy and report any errors immediately.
- Make excellent credit management a priority in order to develop a long record of success.