Locked and Variable Rate Plans
Tuition Rate Opt-In Choices
*Locked rates are guaranteed for a period of time-based on college and/or major:
- All majors in the College of Engineering: 4.5 years from the time freshmen first enter college after high school; Landscape Architecture: 5 years from the time freshmen first enter college after high school; All Other Majors: 4 years from the time freshmen first enter college after high school
- Once you have completed the length of time in your locked rate cohort you will automatically be moved to the current year Variable Rate Cohort
- Non-Resident Students: Because the State of Texas does not fund "non-resident" tuition, mandates issued by the state for the fixed-rate tuition plan do not apply to non-resident students. Therefore, non-resident students will default to the variable-rate plan.
- HSC: Health Science Center (HSC) programs are upper-division programs with separate budgeted rates of two-year time frames. Upon transfer/entrance to an HSC major, you will be reassigned to their current-year locked-rate cohort for two years, or your remaining time left if you are originally in a main-campus locked-rate cohort.