If you are receiving financial aid, you should talk to a Financial Aid Advisor before withdrawing. Students receiving funds awarded by Scholarships and Financial Aid should be aware of policies regarding withdrawal from the University. These policies are consistent with Federal regulation.
Calculation of tuition and fee refunds due to withdrawal are based on all charges the University has assessed the student. When a student has elected various optional services charged to their fee statement, the total dollar value of these optional services will also be used to determine whether repayment of any grant or Federal Perkins Loan will be required. Federal regulations require a pro-rata refund calculation for all first-time students who choose to withdraw during a semester (if these students are receiving Title IV and certain state student aid at an institution of higher education.)
The length of time during which a refund must be calculated is up to 60% of the payment period. First-time students include freshmen and transfers.
Tuition and fee adjustments shall be made to students officially withdrawing from the University for charges listed below according to the following refund schedule:
Tuition & Required Fees
(per Texas Education Code 54.006)
Withdrawal Percentage Information for Current Term
It may take up to 30 days for all adjustments to be made to your student account. Pay remaining balances though Howdy to avoid registration and transcript holds.
Also, be sure to check MyAggieLoans for any outstanding institutional loans owed to the university.
To receive a refund on any eligible credits, be sure to update your direct deposit information with Heartland ECSI. Visit Processing Your Aid for more information.
HSC Leave of Absence requests, please contact the Dean of your program. You may also click HERE for access to the student handbook for additional information.