Federal loans are considered financial aid. Student loans are a resource to assist families in meeting the costs of higher education expenses. By completing the FAFSA, you are considered for all types of financial aid, including loans. Your Financial Aid Offer may include Federal Loans. A loan is money you borrow and must pay back with interest. If you decide to take out a loan, make sure you understand who is making the loan and the terms of the loan. Student loans can come from the U.S. Department of Education. Student loans can also be from private sources, such as a bank or financial institution. Federal Loans often offer borrowers lower interest rates. They also may have more flexible repayment options than loans from banks or other private sources. Visit the Federal Student Aid website for details on types of loans offered.
Texas A&M University also offers emergency and short term loan programs to students needing temporary financial assistance.
Financial aid payment of Federal loans are dependent upon eligible enrollment. Some courses that are being retaken after previously receiving a passing grade in the course may not count toward financial aid eligible enrollment. See Maintaining Eligibility for more information.
Loan Types
Federal Direct Subsidized Loans
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans
Federal Direct Loan Limits
Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loans
Health Professions Student Loan
Alternative Loans
Short-term Loans
Emergency Tuition and Fees Loans
Repaying Your Student Loans
Direct Loan Counseling
Nurse Faculty Loan Program